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Matematiska funktioner
Kategori: Matematik
Inlagt: 2004-06-07
Läst: 1582
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
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Massor av matematiska funktioner inom geometri, trigonometri, datum- och tidsberäkningar, primtal, logaritmer, konverteringar och mycket mer.
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CONST e = 2.7182818; Function Exponent(Base: Real; Power: Integer): Real; //Base can be real, power must be an integer VAR X: INTEGER; E: REAL; BEGIN; E:=1; If Power = 0 then E:=1 Else If Power = 1 then E:=Base Else For X:=1 to ABS(Power) do E:=E*Base; If Power < 0 then E:=1/E; Exponent:=E; END; Function Log(Base, Expnt: Real): Real; //returns common (base 10) logarithm Begin; Log:=ln(Expnt)/ln(Base); End; Function Prime(N: LongInt): Boolean; //Determines if argument is prime Var C: LongInt; S: Real; X: Boolean; Begin; N:=ABS(N); S:=SQRT(N); X:=( (N<=2) OR (ODD(N)) AND (S <> INT(S) ) ); If X then Begin C:=3; While (X AND (C < Int(S))) do Begin X:=((N Mod C) > 0); C:=C+2; End; //While End; //If X Prime:=X; End; //Prime Function Whole(X: Real): Boolean; Begin; Whole:=INT(X) = X; End; Function Seconds_to_Words(Sec: LongInt): String; CONST SecDay=86400; SecHr=3600; SecMin=60; VAR Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds: LONGINT; L: BYTE; T, X: STRING; BEGIN; Days:=Sec DIV SecDay; Sec:=Sec-(SecDay*Days); Hours:=Sec DIV SecHr; Sec:=Sec-(SecHr*Hours); Minutes:=Sec DIV SecMin; Sec:=Sec-(SecMin*Minutes); Seconds:=Sec; T:=''; If Days > 0 then Begin Str(Days,T); T := T + ' Day'; If Days > 1 then T := T + 's'; T := T + ', '; End; //If Days If Hours > 0 then Begin Str(Hours,X); T := T + X + ' Hour'; If Hours > 1 then T := T + 's'; T := T + ', '; End; //If Hours If Minutes > 0 then Begin Str(Minutes,X); T := T + X + ' Minute'; If Minutes > 1 then T := T + 's'; T := T + ', '; End; //If Minutes If Seconds > 0 then Begin Str(Seconds,X); T := T + X + ' Second'; If Seconds > 1 then T := T + 's'; End; //If Seconds L:=Length(T)-1; If T[L] = ',' then T:=Copy(T,1,(L-1)); Seconds_To_Words:=T; END; //Seconds to Words Function DegToRad(D: Real): Real; Begin; DegToRad:=D*Pi/180; End; //DegToRad Function GradToRad(G: Real): Real; Begin; GradToRad:=G*Pi/200; End; //GradToRad Function DegToGrad(D: Real): Real; Begin; DegToGrad:=D/0.9; End; //DegToGrad Function RadToDeg(R: Real): Real; Begin; RadToDeg:=R*180/Pi; End; //RadToDeg Function RadToGrad(R: Real): Real; Begin; RadToGrad:=R*200/Pi; End; Function GradToDeg(G: Real): Real; Begin; GradToDeg:=G*0.9; End; //GradToDeg Function Tan(R: Real): Real; Begin; Tan:=Sin(R) / Cos(R); End; //Tan Function Csc(R: Real): Real; Begin; Csc:=1 / Sin(R); End; //Csc Function Sec(R: Real): Real; Begin; Sec:=1 / Cos(R); End; //Sec Function Cot(R: Real): Real; Begin; Cot:=Cos(R) / Sin(R); End; //Cot Function Hypotenuse_Equilateral_Triangle(S: Real): Real; Begin; Hypotenuse_Equilateral_Triangle:=( SQRT(3) * S ) / 2; End; Function Pythagoras(A, B: Real): Real; Begin; Pythagoras:=Sqrt((A*A)+(B*B)); End; //Pythagoras Function Triangle_Area(B, H: Real): Real; Begin; Triangle_Area:=0.5 * B * H; End; //Triangle Area Function Equilateral_Triangle_Area(S: Real): Real; Begin; Equilateral_Triangle_Area:=( SQRT(3) * (S*S) ) / 4; End; Function Circle_Area(R: Real): Real; Begin; Circle_Area:=Pi*(R*R); End; Function Ellipse_Area(A, B: Real): Real; Begin; Ellipse_Area:=Pi*A*B; End; Function Square_Area(S: Real): Real; Begin; Square_Area:=(S*S); End; Function Rectangle_Area(X, Y: Real): Real; Begin; Rectangle_Area:=X*Y; End; Function Cube_Surface_Area(S: Real): Real; Begin; Cube_Surface_Area:=6*(S*S); End; Function Rectangular_Prism_Surface_Area(H, W, L: Real): Real; Begin; Rectangular_Prism_Surface_Area:=(2*H*W) + (2*H*L) + (2*L*W); End; Function Sphere_Surface_Area(R: Real): Real; Begin; Sphere_Surface_Area:=4*Pi*(R*R); End; Function Cylinder_Surface_Area(R, H: Real): Real; Begin; Cylinder_Surface_Area:=(2*Pi*R*H) + (2*Pi*(R*R)); End; Function Cone_Surface_Area_Without_Base(R, H: Real): Real; Begin; Cone_Surface_Area_Without_Base:=Pi*R*SQRT((R*R) + (H*H) ); End; Function Cone_Surface_Area_With_Base(R, H: Real): Real; Begin; Cone_Surface_Area_With_Base:=(Pi*R*SQRT((R*R) + (H*H)) ) + (Pi*(R*R)); End; Function Sector_Area(R, A: Real): Real; Begin; Sector_Area:=0.5*(R*R)*A; End; Function Trapezoid_Area(A, B, H: Real): Real; Begin; Trapezoid_Area:=(H / 2) * (A + B); End; Function Circle_Circumference(R: Real): Real; Begin; Circle_Circumference:=2*Pi*R; End; Function Ellipse_Circumference(A, B: Real): Real; Begin; Ellipse_Circumference := (2*Pi) * ( SQRT( ( (A*A) + (B*B) ) / 2 ) ); End; Function Cube_Volume(S: Real): Real; Begin; Cube_Volume:=S*S*S; End; Function Rectangle_Volume(X, Y, Z: Real): Real; Begin; Rectangle_Volume:=X*Y*Z; End; Function Sphere_Volume(R: Real): Real; Begin; Sphere_Volume:=(4/3)*Pi*(R*R*R); End; Function Cylinder_Volume(R, H: Real): Real; Begin; Cylinder_Volume:=Pi*(R*R)*H; End; //Cylinder Volume Function Cone_Volume(R, H: Real): Real; Begin; Cone_Volume:=(Pi*(R*R)*H)/3; End; Function Prism_Volume(B, H: Real): Real; Begin; Prism_Volume:=B*H; End; //Prism Volume Function Distance(X1, X2, Y1, Y2: Real): Real; Begin; Distance:=Sqrt(Sqr(Y2-Y1)+Sqr(X2-X1)); End; //Distance Function Factorial(N: LongInt): LongInt; Var X, Y: LongInt; Begin; If N <> 0 then Begin X:=N; For Y:=(N-1) downto 2 do X:=X*Y; Factorial:=X; End {If} Else Factorial:=1; End; //Factorial Function GCF(A, B: LongInt): LongInt; //finds the Greatest Common Factor between 2 arguments Var X, High: LongInt; Begin; High:=1; For X:=2 to A do If (A MOD X = 0) AND (B MOD X = 0) then High:=X; GCF:=High; End; //GCF Function LCM(A, B: LongInt): LongInt; //finds the Least Common Multiple between 2 arguments Var Inc, Low, High: LongInt; Begin; If A > B then Begin High:=A; Low:=B; End //If Else Begin High:=B; Low:=A; End; //Else Inc:=High; While High MOD Low <> 0 do High:=High+Inc; LCM:=High; End; ´//LCM Procedure ISwap(Var X, Y: LongInt); //swaps 2 Integer or LongInteger variables Var Z: LongInt; Begin; Z:=X; X:=Y; Y:=Z; End; Procedure RSwap(Var X, Y: Real); //swaps 2 REAL variables Var Z: Real; Begin; Z:=X; X:=Y; Y:=Z; End;