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Kopiera innehållet i en TStringGrid till Excel Kategori: Objekt/ActiveX
Inlagt: 2005-03-18
Läst: 1261
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
Detta exempel kopierar alla rader och kolumner i en TStringGrid till ett Excel kalkylblad.
procedure TForm1.OleContainer1Activate(Sender: TObject); 
 ExcelSheet: Variant; 
 Curent: Variant; 
 j: Integer; 
 // first we read how many sheets are open in a specified Excel document 
 Count := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.Sheets.Count; 
 // then we read the number of a sheet to witch user wants to add StringGrid content 
 Curent := StrToInt(OKBottomDlg.Edit2.Text); 
 if Curent<>0 then 
  if Curent<=Count then 
  // if the sheet with index Curent exist then copy content 
   // first we activate the desiered sheet object 
   // pass the object to a variant variable 
   ExcelSheet := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.ActiveSheet; 
   // now we can do what ever we like with it 
   ExcelSheet.name := OKBottomDlg.Edit3.Text+IntToStr(Count); 
   for i := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount do 
    for j := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount do 
     ExcelSheet.Cells(i, j) := StringGrid1.Cells[j, i] 
   // here we copy the content 
  else // else if the sheet we are trying to access doesn't exsist 
   // we add new sheets untill the requested 
   // user's index is reached ( curent variable ) 
   for i := Count+1 to Curent do 
   // again we do as above 
   ExcelSheet := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.ActiveSheet; 
   ExcelSheet.name := OKBottomDlg.Edit3.Text+IntToStr(Count); 
   for i := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount do 
    for j := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount do 
     ExcelSheet.Cells(i, j) := StringGrid1.Cells[j, i] 

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