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Sortera arrayer på olika sätt Kategori: Strangar
Inlagt: 2004-06-10
Läst: 1439
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
Exempel på olika sorteringsordningar av en array. 
unit QSort; 
type CompFunc = function(Item1, Item2 : word) : integer; 
procedure QuickSort( 
  var Data; 
//An array. Must be [0..Count-1] and not [1..Count] or anything else! 
//Number of elements in the array 
  Size  : word; 
//Size in bytes of a single element -- e.g. 2 for integers or words, 
4 for longints, 256 for string s and so on  
  Compare : CompFunc); 
//The function that decides which element is "greater" or "less". //Must return an integer that's < 0 if the first element is less, 0 if they're 
//equal and > 0 if the first element is greater. A simple Compare for words can look like this: 
function WordCompare(Item1, Item2: word): integer; 
   WordCompare := MyArray[Item1] - MyArray[Item2] 
procedure QuickSort; 
 procedure Swap(Item1, Item2 : word); 
 var P1, P2 : ^byte; I : word; 
   if Item1 <> Item2 then 
     I := Size; 
     P1 := @Data; inc(P1, Item1 * Size); 
     P2 := @Data; inc(P2, Item2 * Size); 
      mov cx,I   { Size } 
      les di,P1 
      push ds 
      lds si,P2 
      mov ah,es:[di] 
      mov [si-1],ah 
      loop @L 
      pop ds 
 procedure Sort(Left, Right: integer); 
 var i, j, x, y : integer; 
   i := Left; j := Right; x := (Left+Right) div 2; 
    while compare(i, x) < 0 do inc(i); 
    while compare(x, j) < 0 do dec(j); 
    if i <= j then 
      swap(i, j); inc(i); dec(j) 
   until i > j; 
   if Left < j then Sort(Left, j); 
   if i < Right then Sort(i, Right) 
begin Sort(0, Count) end; 
end. //of unit 
//A simple testprogram can look like this: 
program QS_Test; //Test QuickSort  la C 
uses qsort; 
var v: array[0..9999] of word; 
  i: word; 
{$F+} //Must be compiled as FAR calls! 
function cmpr(a, b: word): integer; 
begin cmpr := v[a] - v[b] end; 
function cmpr2(a, b: word): integer; 
begin cmpr2 := v[b] - v[a] end; 
for i := 0 to 9999 do v[i] := random(20000); 
quicksort(v, 10000, 2, cmpr); //in order lo to hi 
quicksort(v, 10000, 2, cmpr2); //we now have a sorted list, sort it in 
                //reverse -- nasty for qsort! 
quicksort(v, 10000, 2, cmpr); //and reverse again 
quicksort(v, 10000, 2, cmpr); //sort a sorted list -- also not very popular 

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