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Skapa tumnaglar Kategori: Grafik
Inlagt: 2005-08-09
Läst: 1407
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
Här finner du ett bra exempel som demonstrerar hur du skapar s k tumnaglar (thumbnails).
procedure MakeThumbNail(src, dest: TBitmap; ThumbSize: Word); 
 PRGB24 = ^TRGB24; 
 TRGB24 = packed record 
  B: Byte; 
  G: Byte; 
  R: Byte; 
 x, y, ix, iy: integer; 
 x1, x2, x3: integer; 
 xscale, yscale: single; 
 iRed, iGrn, iBlu, iRatio: Longword; 
 p, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5: tRGB24; 
 pt, pt1: pRGB24; 
 iSrc, iDst, s1: integer; 
 i, j, r, g, b, tmpY: integer; 
 RowDest, RowSource, RowSourceStart: integer; 
 w, h: integer; 
 dxmin, dymin: integer; 
 ny1, ny2, ny3: integer; 
 dx, dy: integer; 
 lutX, lutY: array of integer; 
 if src.PixelFormat <> pf24bit then src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; 
 if dest.PixelFormat <> pf24bit then dest.PixelFormat := pf24bit; 
 dest.Width := ThumbSize; 
 dest.Height := ThumbSize; 
 w := ThumbSize; 
 h := ThumbSize; 
 if (src.Width <= ThumbSize) and (src.Height <= ThumbSize) then 
 iDst := (w * 24 + 31) and not 31; 
 iDst := iDst div 8; //BytesPerScanline 
 iSrc := (Src.Width * 24 + 31) and not 31; 
 iSrc := iSrc div 8; 
 xscale := 1 / (w / src.Width); 
 yscale := 1 / (h / src.Height); 
 // X lookup table 
 SetLength(lutX, w); 
 x1 := 0; 
 x2 := trunc(xscale); 
 for x := 0 to w - 1 do 
  lutX[x] := x2 - x1; 
  x1 := x2; 
  x2 := trunc((x + 2) * xscale); 
 // Y lookup table 
 SetLength(lutY, h); 
 x1 := 0; 
 x2 := trunc(yscale); 
 for x := 0 to h - 1 do 
  lutY[x] := x2 - x1; 
  x1 := x2; 
  x2 := trunc((x + 2) * yscale); 
 RowDest := integer(Dest.Scanline[0]); 
 RowSourceStart := integer(Src.Scanline[0]); 
 RowSource := RowSourceStart; 
 for y := 0 to h do 
  dy := lutY[y]; 
  x1 := 0; 
  x3 := 0; 
  for x := 0 to w do 
   dx := lutX[x]; 
   iRed := 0; 
   iGrn := 0; 
   iBlu := 0; 
   RowSource := RowSourceStart; 
   for iy := 1 to dy do 
    pt := PRGB24(RowSource + x1); 
    for ix := 1 to dx do 
     iRed := iRed + pt.R; 
     iGrn := iGrn + pt.G; 
     iBlu := iBlu + pt.B; 
    RowSource := RowSource - iSrc; 
   iRatio := 65535 div (dx * dy); 
   pt1 := PRGB24(RowDest + x3); 
   pt1.R := (iRed * iRatio) shr 16; 
   pt1.G := (iGrn * iRatio) shr 16; 
   pt1.B := (iBlu * iRatio) shr 16; 
   x1 := x1 + 3 * dx; 
   inc(x3, 3); 
  RowDest := RowDest - iDst; 
  RowSourceStart := RowSource; 
 if dest.Height < 3 then exit; 
 // Sharpening... 
 s1 := integer(dest.ScanLine[0]); 
 iDst := integer(dest.ScanLine[1]) - s1; 
 ny1 := Integer(s1); 
 ny2 := ny1 + iDst; 
 ny3 := ny2 + iDst; 
 for y := 1 to dest.Height - 2 do 
  for x := 0 to dest.Width - 3 do 
   x1 := x * 3; 
   x2 := x1 + 3; 
   x3 := x1 + 6; 
   c1 := pRGB24(ny1 + x1)^; 
   c2 := pRGB24(ny1 + x3)^; 
   c3 := pRGB24(ny2 + x2)^; 
   c4 := pRGB24(ny3 + x1)^; 
   c5 := pRGB24(ny3 + x3)^; 
   r := (c1.R + c2.R + (c3.R * -12) + c4.R + c5.R) div -8; 
   g := (c1.G + c2.G + (c3.G * -12) + c4.G + c5.G) div -8; 
   b := (c1.B + c2.B + (c3.B * -12) + c4.B + c5.B) div -8; 
   if r < 0 then r := 0 else if r > 255 then r := 255; 
   if g < 0 then g := 0 else if g > 255 then g := 255; 
   if b < 0 then b := 0 else if b > 255 then b := 255; 
   pt1 := pRGB24(ny2 + x2); 
   pt1.R := r; 
   pt1.G := g; 
   pt1.B := b; 
  inc(ny1, iDst); 
  inc(ny2, iDst); 
  inc(ny3, iDst); 
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 
 dest: TBitmap; 
 dest := TBitmap.Create; 
  MakeThumbNail(Image1.Picture.Bitmap, dest, 100); 

© Copyright 2005 - Staffan Berg
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