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Använd utökade dialogrutor i Windows
Kategori: System
Inlagt: 2005-10-20
Läst: 1396
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
Beskrivning |
Här följer några exempel på hur du använder de utökade dialogrutorna som finns gömda i Windows.
Kod |
function PickIconDlgA(OwnerWnd: HWND; lpstrFile: PAnsiChar; var nMaxFile: LongInt; var lpdwIconIndex: LongInt): LongBool; stdcall; external 'SHELL32.DLL' index 62; //Example (icon of current application will be changed!): procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var FileName: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of Char; Size, Index: LongInt; begin Size := MAX_PATH; FileName := 'c:\windows\system\shell32.dll'; if PickIconDlgA(0, FileName, Size, Index) then begin if (Index <> -1) then Application.Icon.Handle := ExtractIcon(hInstance, FileName, Index); end; end; //Of course, you can define any other file and in the dialog you'll see available icons of this executable file. //2. Find Computer //Declaration: function SHFindComputer(pidlRoot: PItemIDList; pidlSavedSearch: PItemIDList): Boolean; stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll' index 91; //Example: begin SHFindComputer(nil, nil); end; //3. Find Files //Declaration: function SHFindFiles(pidlRoot: PItemIDList; pidlSavedSearch: PItemIDList): Boolean; stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll' index 90; //Example: begin SHFindFiles(nil,nil); end; //Here the first parameter is a folder where you want to begin a search (nil is a Desktop). The second parameter allow to define a previous saved state of search process. //IMPORTANT: //Note that SHFindFiles and SHFindComputer are not modal dialogs (these dialogs will be started in separated thread) so the result of function will be True if dialog is created succesfully. //4. Shutdown dialog //Declaration: procedure ExitWindowsDialog(ParentWnd: HWND); stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll' index 60; //Example: begin ExitWindowsDialog(0) end;