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matteuttryck(sträng) till flyttal
Kategori: Matematik
Inlagt: 2006-01-29
Läst: 1982
Inlagt av: Arne Bergkvist
Beskrivning |
Omvandlar matteuttryck till flyttal
Matteutryck i textformat som ger ett flyttal som svar
svar:=parserx('exp(-x)*cos(2*pi*2*x)', x,fel);
svar:=0,367879441171442;fel:='' om inget fel
I exemplet används tre TEditt + en Tbutton i ett formulär
Funktionen är mycket användbar om man vill plotta mattekurvor mm
Kod |
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,parserx; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var resultat : Double; xvariabel : Double; mattefunktion : String; fel : String; begin xvariabel:=StrToFloat(Edit1.Text);{Exempel Edit1.Text:='5' } mattefunktion:=Edit2.Text; {Exempel Edit2.Text:='((x+5.4)*(4+x))^2*sin(x/pi)/( ln(x)*2)'} resultat:=ParseX(xvariabel,mattefunktion,fel); {Exempel resultat:=2721,15915913286 } Edit3.text:=FloatToStr(resultat); end; end. {**Unit ParserX****************} unit PARSERX; interface uses math; {$IFOPT N+,E+} type Real = Extended; {$ENDIF} type IString = String[100]; vnamn = String[10]; var variabelnamn : vnamn; function ParseX(variabel : Real;S : IString; var fel : String ) : Real; { Följande funktioner är tillgängliga hyberborliska funktion tanh(u) sinh(u) coth(u) cosh(u) Trigonometriska funktioner: a=sin(u), a=cos(u), a=tan(u) : -1<= a <=1,u i radianer a=sind(u), a=cosd(u), a=tand(u) : u i grader(degree) a=asin(u), a=acos(u), a=atan(u) : -1<= u <=1 , a=radianer a=asind(u), a=acosd(u), a=atand(u) : -1<= u <=1 , a=grader a=sinc(u) : a=sin(u)/u a=sqrt(u) : a=u^0.5 a=sqr(u) : a=u^2 a=sgn(u) : u<0 a=-1, u=0 a=0, u>1 a=1 a=round(u) : avrundar u till heltal pi 3.1415926535897932385 a=ln(u) : naturliga log. a=lg(u) : 10-log. a=n!(u) : Fakultet a=e(u) eller a=exp(u): exponentfunk e^(u) a=h(u) : heavides stegfunktion u<0 a=0, u>=0 a=1 a=fix(u) : a=heltalsdelen av u a=frac(u) : a=decimal av u a=abs(u) : a=absolutvärdet av u exempel. ((x+5.4)*(4+x))^2*sin(x/pi)/( ln(x)*2) Skriv inte '.12' för '0.12' } implementation {$IFOPT N+,E+} const MAXREAL = 9.99E4931; EXPLIMIT = 11356; SQRLIMIT = 1E2466; MAXEXPLEN = 4; {$else} const MAXREAL = 1.5E38; EXPLIMIT = 88; SQRLIMIT = 1E18; MAXEXPLEN = 3; {$ENDIF} const LNOF10 = 2.30258509299405; LETTERS : set of Char = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z']; PLUS = 0; MINUS = 1; TIMES = 2; DIVIDE = 3; EXPO = 4; OPAREN = 6; CPAREN = 7; NUM = 8; CELLT = 9; FUNC = 10; EOL = 11; BAD = 12; MAXFUNCNAMELEN = 15; PARSERSTACKSIZE = 20; MAXROWS = 10; TXT = 0; VALUE = 1; FORMULA = 2; type CellRec = record Error : Boolean; case Attrib : Byte of TXT : (T : IString); VALUE : (Value : Real); FORMULA : (Fvalue : Real; Formula : IString); end; TokenRec = record State : Byte; case Byte of 0 : (Value : Real); 1 : (Row : Word); 2 : (FuncName : String[MAXFUNCNAMELEN]); end; var felmed : String; Stack : array [1..PARSERSTACKSIZE] of TokenRec; CurToken : TokenRec; StackTop, TokenType : Word; MathError, TokenError, IsFormula : Boolean; intext : IString; function UpperCASE(S : String) : String; (* Returns a string of all upper case letters *) var Counter : Word; begin for Counter := 1 to Length(S) do S[Counter] := UpCASE(S[Counter]); UpperCASE := S; end; (* UpperCASE *) PROCEDURE Push(Token : TokenRec); (* Pushes a new Token onto the stack *) begin if StackTop = PARSERSTACKSIZE then begin TokenError := True; end else begin Inc(StackTop); Stack[StackTop] := Token; end; end; (* Push *) function IsFunc(S : String) : Boolean; (* Checks to see if the start of the intext string is a legal function. Returns TRUE if it is, FALSE otherwise. *) var Len : Word; begin Len := Length(S); if Pos(S, intext) = 1 then begin CurToken.FuncName := Copy(intext, 1, Len); Delete(intext, 1, Len); IsFunc := True; end else IsFunc := False; end; (* IsFunc *) function FormulaStart(intext : String; Place : Word; var FormLen : Word) : Boolean; (* Returns TRUE if the string is the start of a formula, FALSE otherwise. Also returns the column, row, and length of the formula. *) begin FormulaStart := False; if not (intext[Place] in LETTERS) then Exit; if not (intext[Place]=variabelnamn) then Exit; FormLen := 1; FormulaStart := True; end; (* FormulaStart *) function NextToken : Word; (* Gets the next Token from the Input stream *) var NumString : String[80]; FormLen, Len, NumLen : Word; koll : Integer; Decimal : Boolean; begin if intext = '' then begin NextToken := EOL; Exit; end; while (intext <> '') and (intext[1] = ' ') do Delete(intext, 1, 1); if intext[1] in ['0'..'9', '.'] then begin NumString := ''; Len := 1; Decimal := False; while (Len <= Length(intext)) and ((intext[Len] in ['0'..'9']) or ((intext[Len] = '.') and (not Decimal))) do begin NumString := NumString + intext[Len]; if intext[1] = '.' then Decimal := True; Inc(Len); end; if (Len = 2) and (intext[1] = '.') then begin NextToken := BAD; Exit; end; if (Len <= Length(intext)) and (intext[Len] = 'E') then begin NumString := NumString + 'E'; Inc(Len); if intext[Len] in ['+', '-'] then begin NumString := NumString + intext[Len]; Inc(Len); end; NumLen := 1; while (Len <= Length(intext)) and (intext[Len] in ['0'..'9']) and (NumLen <= MAXEXPLEN) do begin NumString := NumString + intext[Len]; Inc(NumLen); Inc(Len); end; end; if NumString[1] = '.' then NumString := '0' + NumString; Val(NumString, CurToken.Value, koll); if koll <> 0 then begin MathError := True; felmed:='Inget numeriskt värde'; end; NextToken := NUM; Delete(intext, 1, Length(NumString)); Exit; end else if intext[1] in LETTERS then begin if IsFunc('TANH') or IsFunc('TAND') or IsFunc('TAN') or IsFunc('SQRT') or IsFunc('SQR') or IsFunc('SINH') or IsFunc('SIND') or IsFunc('SINC') or IsFunc('SIN') or IsFunc('SGN') or IsFunc('ROUND') or IsFunc('PI') or IsFunc('LN') or IsFunc('LG') or IsFunc('N!') or IsFunc('EXP') or IsFunc('E') or IsFunc('COTH') or IsFunc('COSH') or IsFunc('COSD') or IsFunc('COS') or IsFunc('H') or IsFunc('FRAC') or IsFunc('FIX') or IsFunc('ATAND') or IsFunc('ATAN') or IsFunc('ASIND') or IsFunc('ASIN') or IsFunc('ACOSD') or IsFunc('ACOS') or IsFunc('ABS') then begin NextToken := FUNC; Exit; end; if FormulaStart(intext, 1, FormLen) then begin Delete(intext, 1, FormLen); IsFormula := True; NextToken := CELLT; Exit; end else begin NextToken := BAD; Exit; end; end else begin case intext[1] of '+' : NextToken := PLUS; '-' : NextToken := MINUS; '*' : NextToken := TIMES; '/' : NextToken := DIVIDE; '^' : NextToken := EXPO; '(' : NextToken := OPAREN; '[' : NextToken := OPAREN; '{' : NextToken := OPAREN; ')' : NextToken := CPAREN; ']' : NextToken := CPAREN; '}' : NextToken := CPAREN; else NextToken := BAD; end; Delete(intext, 1, 1); Exit; end; (* case *) end; (* NextToken *) procedure ShIFt(State : Word); (* ShIFts a Token onto the stack *) begin CurToken.State := State; Push(CurToken); TokenType := NextToken; end; (* ShIFt *) procedure Pop(var Token : TokenRec); (* Pops the top Token off of the stack *) begin Token := Stack[StackTop]; Dec(StackTop); end; (* Pop *) function Fac(nr: Real): Real; var n : Integer; const nRealMax = 33; nExtENDedMax = 1754; facVal: ARRAY[0..nRealMax] OF REAL = (1.0,1.0,2.0,6.0,24.0,120.0,720.0,5040.0,40320.0,362880.0, 3628800.0,39916800.0,479001600.0,6227020800.0,87178291200.0, 1307674368000.0,20922789888000.0,355687428100000.0, 6402373705700000.0,121645100410000000.0,2432902008200000000.0, 51090942172000000000.0,1124000727800000000000.0, 25852016739000000000000.0,620448401730000000000000.0, 15511210043000000000000000.0,403291461120000000000000000.0, 10888869450000000000000000000.0,304888344610000000000000000000.0, 8841761993700000000000000000000.0,265252859810000000000000000000000.0, 8222838654100000000000000000000000.0, 263130836930000000000000000000000000.0, 8683317618800000000000000000000000000.0); var f : REAL; i : WORD; begin if ( nr > 1754.0) then begin MathError:=True; felmed:='Facultet för stort'; fac:=0.0; Exit; end; n:=Round(nr); if n <= nRealMax then begin Fac:= facVal[n]; Exit; end; (*$IFopt N+*) if n <= nExtENDedMax then begin f:= facVal[nRealMax]; FOR i:= nRealMax + 1 TO n DO f:= f*i; Fac:= f; Exit; end; (*$ENDIF*) felmed:='Fel i fakultet'; Fac:= maxReal; end; (* Fac *) function DegToRad(deg : REAL) : REAL; begin DegToRad:=deg*pi/180.0; end; function RadToDeg(rad : REAL ) : REAL; begin RadToDeg:=rad*180.0/pi; end; function TanDeg(deg : Real) : Real; begin TanDeg:=Tan(DegToRad(deg)); end; function SinDeg(deg : Real) : Real; begin SinDeg:=Sin(DegToRad(deg)); end; function CosDeg(deg : Real) : Real; begin CosDeg:=Cos(DegToRad(deg)); end; function ArcCos(invalue : REAL) : REAL; var res : REAL; begin if abs(invalue) > 1.0 then begin felmed:='abs ACos > 1'; ArcCos:=0.0; Exit; end; if invalue = 0.0 then ArcCos:=pi/2.0 else begin res:=Arctan(Sqrt(1-invalue*invalue)/invalue); if invalue < 0.0 then ArcCos:= res+pi else ArcCos:= res; end; end;(*ArcCos*) function ArcSinDeg(invalue : REAL) : REAL; begin if abs(invalue) > 1.0 then begin felmed:='abs ASinD > 1'; ArcSinDeg:=0.0; Exit; end; if (invalue = -1.0) then ArcSinDeg:=RadToDeg(-pi/2.0) else if (invalue = 1.0) then ArcSinDeg:=RadToDeg(pi/2.0) else ArcSinDeg:=RadToDeg(Arctan(invalue/Sqrt(1-invalue*invalue))); end;(*ArcSinDeg*) function ArcCosDeg(invalue : REAL) : REAL; var res : REAL; begin if abs(invalue) > 1.0 then begin felmed:='abs ACosD > 1'; ArcCosDeg:=0.0; Exit; end; if invalue = 0.0 then ArcCosDeg:=RadToDeg(pi/2.0) else begin res:=Arctan(Sqrt(1-invalue*invalue)/invalue); if invalue < 0.0 then ArcCosDeg:=RadToDeg(res+pi) else ArcCosDeg:=RadToDeg(res); end; end;(*ArcCosDeg*) function Lg(invalue : REAL) : REAL; begin if invalue <= 0.0 then begin felmed:='Lg <= 0'; Lg:=0.0; Exit; end; Lg:=Ln(invalue)/LNOF10; end;(*Lg*) function ArcTanDeg(invalue : Real) : Real; begin ArcTanDeg:=RadToDeg(ArcTan(invalue)); end; (* ArcTanDeg *) function CotH(invalue : Real) : Real; begin if Tanh(invalue) <> 0 then CotH:=1.0/TanH(invalue) else CotH:=1.0E+30; end; function GotoState(Production : Word) : Word; (* Finds the new state based on the just-completed production and the top state. *) var State : Word; begin State := Stack[StackTop].State; if (Production <= 3) then begin case State of 0 : GotoState := 1; 9 : GotoState := 19; 20 : GotoState := 28; end; (* case *) end else if Production <= 6 then begin case State of 0, 9, 20 : GotoState := 2; 12 : GotoState := 21; 13 : GotoState := 22; end; (* case *) end else if Production <= 8 then begin case State of 0, 9, 12, 13, 20 : GotoState := 3; 14 : GotoState := 23; 15 : GotoState := 24; 16 : GotoState := 25; end; (* case *) end else if Production <= 10 then begin case State of 0, 9, 12..16, 20 : GotoState := 4; end; (* case *) end else if Production <= 12 then begin case State of 0, 9, 12..16, 20 : GotoState := 6; 5 : GotoState := 17; end; (* case *) end else begin case State of 0, 5, 9, 12..16, 20 : GotoState := 8; end; (* case *) end; end; (* GotoState *) procedure Reduce(Reduction : Word; variabel : Real); (* Completes a reduction *) var Token1, Token2 : TokenRec; exponent : LongInt; begin case Reduction of 1 : begin (* a+b *) Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); Pop(Token2); CurToken.Value := Token1.Value + Token2.Value; end; 2 : begin (* a-b *) Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); Pop(Token2); CurToken.Value := Token2.Value - Token1.Value; end; 4 : begin (* a*b *) Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); Pop(Token2); CurToken.Value := Token1.Value * Token2.Value; end; 5 : begin (* a/b *) Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); Pop(Token2); if Token1.Value = 0 then begin MathError := True; felmed:='Division med 0'; end else CurToken.Value := Token2.Value / Token1.Value; end; 7 : begin (*a^b*) Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); Pop(Token2); if Token2.Value = 0 then CurToken.Value := 0; if Token2.Value < 0 then begin exponent:=Round(token1.value); if ( exponent <> token1.value ) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='ex -3^-1.5 går inte'; end; if (Token1.Value * Ln(-Token2.Value) < -EXPLIMIT) or (Token1.Value * Ln(-Token2.Value) > EXPLIMIT) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='abs(tal) för stort'; end; if Not MathError then CurToken.Value:=IntPower(Token2.Value,exponent) else curtoken.Value:=0; end; if Token2.Value > 0 then begin if (Token1.Value * Ln(Token2.Value) < -EXPLIMIT) or (Token1.Value * Ln(Token2.Value) > EXPLIMIT) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='abs(tal) för stort'; CurToken.Value:=0; end else CurToken.Value := Exp(Token1.Value * Ln(Token2.Value)); end; end; 9 : begin Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); CurToken.Value := -Token1.Value; end; 11 : begin Pop(Token1); Pop(Token2); Pop(Token2); CurToken.Value := 0; end; 13 : begin (* a=x *) Pop(CurToken); CurToken.Value := variabel; end; 14 : begin Pop(Token1); Pop(CurToken); Pop(Token1); end; 16 : begin Pop(Token1); Pop(CurToken); Pop(Token1); Pop(Token1); if Token1.FuncName = 'ABS' then CurToken.Value := Abs(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'FRAC' then CurToken.Value := FRAC(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'ATAN' then CurToken.Value := ArcTan(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'SINH' then CurToken.Value := SinH(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'COSH' then CurToken.Value := CosH(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'TANH' then CurToken.Value := TanH(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'COTH' then CurToken.Value := CotH(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'COS' then CurToken.Value := Cos(CurToken.Value) else if (Token1.FuncName = 'E') or (Token1.FuncName = 'EXP') then begin if (CurToken.Value < -EXPLIMIT) or (CurToken.Value > EXPLIMIT) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='E(tal) för stort'; end else CurToken.Value := Exp(CurToken.Value); end else if Token1.FuncName = 'LN' then begin if CurToken.Value <= 0 then begin MathError := True; felmed:='neg. tal Ln'; end else CurToken.Value := Ln(CurToken.Value); end else if Token1.FuncName = 'H' then begin if CurToken.Value <= 0 then CurToken.Value := 0.0 else CurToken.Value := 1.0; end else if Token1.FuncName = 'ROUND' then begin if (CurToken.Value < -1E9) or (CurToken.Value > 1E9) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='Round(tal) för stort'; end else CurToken.Value := Round(CurToken.Value); end else if Token1.FuncName = 'PI' then CurToken.Value := pi * Curtoken.Value else if Token1.FuncName = 'TAN' then CurToken.Value := Tan(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'TAND' then CurToken.Value := TanDeg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'COSD' then CurToken.Value := CosDeg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'SIND' then CurToken.Value := Sindeg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'SINC' then begin if ( CurToken.Value <> 0.0 ) then CurToken.Value := Sin(CurToken.Value)/CurToken.Value else CurToken.Value:=0.0; end else if Token1.FuncName = 'N!' then CurToken.Value := Fac(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'ASIN' then CurToken.Value := ArcSin(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'ACOS' then CurToken.Value := ArcCos(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'ATAND' then CurToken.Value := ArcTanDeg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'ASIND' then CurToken.Value := ArcSinDeg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'ACOSD' then CurToken.Value := ArcCosDeg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'LG' then CurToken.Value := Lg(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'SIN' then CurToken.Value := Sin(CurToken.Value) else if Token1.FuncName = 'SGN' then begin if CurToken.Value < 0 then CurToken.Value:=-1.0; if CurToken.Value = 0 then CurToken.Value:=0.0; if CurToken.Value > 0 then CurToken.Value:=1.0; end else if Token1.FuncName = 'SQRT' then begin if CurToken.Value < 0 then begin MathError := True; felmed:='sqrt( < 0 )'; end else CurToken.Value := Sqrt(CurToken.Value); end else if Token1.FuncName = 'SQR' then begin if (CurToken.Value < -SQRLIMIT) or (CurToken.Value > SQRLIMIT) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='Sqr(Abs(tal)) för stort'; end else CurToken.Value := Sqr(CurToken.Value); end else if Token1.FuncName = 'FIX' then begin if (CurToken.Value < -1E9) or (CurToken.Value > 1E9) then begin MathError := True; felmed:='fix(abs(tal)) för stort'; end else CurToken.Value := Trunc(CurToken.Value); end; end; 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 : Pop(CurToken); end; (* case *) CurToken.State := GotoState(Reduction); Push(CurToken); end; (* Reduce *) function ParseX(variabel : Real;S : IString; var fel : String ) : Real; var FirstToken : TokenRec; Accepted : Boolean; i : Word; begin Accepted := False; TokenError := False; MathError := False; IsFormula := False; felmed:=''; fel:=''; intext := UpperCASE(S); S:=intext; i:=1; while ( i <= Length(intext) ) DO begin (* om PI lägg till PI(1) *) if ( intext[i] = 'P' ) AND ( intext[i+1] = 'I' ) then begin if (intext[i+2] <> '(') OR ( Length(intext) = (i+1) ) then insert('(1)',intext,i+2); end; i:=i+1; end; i:=1; while ( i <= Length(intext) ) DO begin (* om komma ändra till punkt*) if ( intext[i] = ',' ) then intext[i]:='.'; i:=i+1; end; StackTop := 0; FirstToken.State := 0; FirstToken.Value := 0; Push(FirstToken); TokenType := NextToken; repeat case Stack[StackTop].State of 0, 9, 12..16, 20 : begin if TokenType = NUM then ShIFt(10) else if TokenType = CELLT then ShIFt(7) else if TokenType = FUNC then ShIFt(11) else if TokenType = MINUS then ShIFt(5) else if TokenType = OPAREN then ShIFt(9) else TokenError := True; end; 1 : begin if TokenType = EOL then Accepted := True else if TokenType = PLUS then ShIFt(12) else if TokenType = MINUS then ShIFt(13) else TokenError := True; end; 2 : begin if TokenType = TIMES then ShIFt(14) else if TokenType = DIVIDE then ShIFt(15) else Reduce(3,variabel); end; 3 : Reduce(6,variabel); 4 : begin if TokenType = EXPO then ShIFt(16) else Reduce(8,variabel); end; 5 : begin if TokenType = NUM then ShIFt(10) else if TokenType = CELLT then ShIFt(7) else if TokenType = FUNC then ShIFt(11) else if TokenType = OPAREN then ShIFt(9) else TokenError := True; end; 6 : Reduce(10,variabel); 7 : Reduce(13,variabel); 8 : Reduce(12,variabel); 10 : Reduce(15,variabel); 11 : begin if TokenType = OPAREN then ShIFt(20) else TokenError := True; end; 17 : Reduce(9,variabel); 18 : begin if TokenType = CELLT then ShIFt(26) else TokenError := True; end; 19 : begin if TokenType = PLUS then ShIFt(12) else if TokenType = MINUS then ShIFt(13) else if TokenType = CPAREN then ShIFt(27) else TokenError := True; end; 21 : begin if TokenType = TIMES then ShIFt(14) else if TokenType = DIVIDE then ShIFt(15) else Reduce(1,variabel); end; 22 : begin if TokenType = TIMES then ShIFt(14) else if TokenType = DIVIDE then ShIFt(15) else Reduce(2,variabel); end; 23 : Reduce(4,variabel); 24 : Reduce(5,variabel); 25 : Reduce(7,variabel); 26 : Reduce(11,variabel); 27 : Reduce(14,variabel); 28 : begin if TokenType = PLUS then ShIFt(12) else if TokenType = MINUS then ShIFt(13) else if TokenType = CPAREN then ShIFt(29) else TokenError := True; end; 29 : Reduce(16,variabel); end; (* case *) until Accepted or TokenError; if TokenError then begin fel:='Felskrivet'; ParseX := 0; Exit; end; if MathError then begin fel:=felmed; ParseX := 0; Exit; end; fel:=felmed; ParseX := Stack[StackTop].Value; end; (* ParseX *) begin variabelnamn:='X'; end.