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Upptäck en HTTP Proxy
Kategori: Internet
Inlagt: 2005-03-24
Läst: 1827
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
Beskrivning |
Följande exempel returnerar värdnamnet, portnumret och om en proxy är tillgänglig.
Kod |
unit fProxy; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Registry; type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} function GetProxy(var Host : string ; var Port : integer; var ProxyEnabled : boolean) : boolean; const sProxyEnable = 'ProxyEnable'; var s : string ; p : integer; begin with TRegistry.Create do begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; ProxyEnabled := false; s := ''; OpenKey ('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings', True); if ValueExists('ProxyServer') then s := ReadString('ProxyServer'); if s <> '' then begin p := pos(':', s); if p=0 then p := length(s)+1; Host := copy(s, 1, p-1); try Port := StrToInt(copy (s,p+1,999)); except Port := 80; end; ProxyEnabled := true; end; if ValueExists('ProxyEnable') then begin case GetDataType(sProxyEnable) of rdString, rdExpandString: begin sPortTmp := AnsiLowerCase(ReadString(sProxyEnable)); ProxyEnabled := true; if pos(' '+sPortTmp+' ', ' yes true t enabled 1 ') > 0 then ProxyEnabled := true else if pos(' '+sPortTmp+' ', ' no false f none disabled 0 ') > 0 then ProxyEnabled := false end; rdInteger: begin ProxyEnabled := ReadBool(sProxyEnable); end; rdBinary: begin ProxyEnabled := true; ReadBinaryData(sProxyEnable, ProxyEnabled, 1); end; end; end; Free; end; Result := s<>''; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Host : string ; Port : integer; ProxyEnabled : boolean; const YesNo : array [false..true] of string = (' not ', ''); begin // get proxy information if GetProxy(Host, Port, ProxyEnabled) then ShowMessage(Format('Your proxy is %s on port %d, it is%s enabled.', [Host, Port, YesNo[ProxyEnabled]])) else ShowMessage('No proxy detected'); end; end.