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Sök efter ett element i en array på snabbaste vis
Kategori: Strangar
Inlagt: 2004-12-15
Läst: 1470
Inlagt av: Staffan Berg
Beskrivning |
Detta exempel letar upp önskat element i en array med hjälp av binärsökning.
Kod |
type TStringArray = array of string ; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} //Start is the index of the first item of the array - usually 0 //Stop is the index of the last item of the array procedure QuickSort(var Strings: TStringArray; Start, Stop: Integer); var Left: Integer; Right: Integer; Mid: Integer; Pivot: string ; Temp: string ; begin Left := Start; Right := Stop; Mid := (Start + Stop) div 2; Pivot := Strings[mid]; repeat while Strings[Left] < Pivot do Inc(Left); while Pivot < Strings[Right] do Dec(Right); if Left <= Right then begin Temp := Strings[Left]; Strings[Left] := Strings[Right]; // Swops the two Strings Strings[Right] := Temp; Inc(Left); Dec(Right); end; until Left > Right; if Start < Right then QuickSort(Strings, Start, Right); // Uses if Left < Stop then QuickSort(Strings, Left, Stop); // Recursion end; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} function BinSearch(Strings: TStringArray; SubStr: string ): Integer; var First: Integer; Last: Integer; Pivot: Integer; Found: Boolean; begin First := Low(Strings); //Sets the first item of the range Last := High(Strings); //Sets the last item of the range Found := False; //Initializes the Found flag (Not found yet) Result := -1; //Initializes the Result //If First > Last then the searched item doesn't exist //If the item is found the loop will stop while (First <= Last) and (not Found) do begin //Gets the middle of the selected range Pivot := (First + Last) div 2; //Compares the String in the middle with the searched one if Strings[Pivot] = SubStr then begin Found := True; Result := Pivot; end //If the Item in the middle has a bigger value than //the searched item, then select the first half else if Strings[Pivot] > SubStr then Last := Pivot - 1 //else select the second half else First := Pivot + 1; end; end; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} //To use the Binary Search: procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyStrings: TStringArray; begin //Give some values to your string s and remember to //Set it to the correct length :) //.. //.. //.. QuickSort(MyStrings, 0, High(MyStrings); ShowMessage('The index of 'Derek' is: ' + IntToStr(BinSearch(MyStrings, 'Derek') //If 'Derek' is in MyStrings, its index value will be returned, //otherwise -1 will be returned. end;